Practicing on Alexis
It's been interesting to hear so much about the perception of others of my body. I've never been so aware of how slight of build I am. In this context of bodywork, one needs to tailor their efforts dependent upon how much or little "adipose" (fatty tissue) covers the bones. I am the class example that demonstrates working close to the bone -- quite the opposite end of the spectrum from another student in the group who has a massive belly and breasts. We certainly cover the gamut of body shapes!
People refer to me as "tiny" yet muscular. Not long ago Susanna referred to me as "small but substantial". I guess I've always felt more substantial than small, stemming from my early blooming to reach my current height of 5'7" by the age of eleven and the many years following of experiencing myself as "the big girl". So I am developing a new self-image all these years later as if having been reintroduced to myself. Now I'm reminded of an experience at the Hillside Festival Craft Fair last summer. I wanted to buy a leather cuff-style bracelet and they had to make one to order for me because, of the vast array, none was small enough to fit my slight (bass player's!) wrist.
[This gorgeous bug just landed on my belly and allowed me to scrutinize with awe its incredible colours -- all a shimmery metallic -- green, turquoise and bronze like some magnificent jewell.]

Today marks day one of the second week of study after a much-needed and enjoyed three-day break. Yesterday was so full of every kind of relaxing I needed. Slept in, went with Fiona to a peaceful, pristine lake that felt like such an elixir of health to my body. She and I delved into much deep and rewarding conversation while sunning ourselves dry. We discussed a barter where I'll work on her web site in exchange for the fee for the third module of the course. Fiona took my towel and water bottle and hitchhiked back so that I could take the opportunity for a good run home. But first I took advantage of the remote privacy and practiced my vocal technique, listening through my last lesson with Fides on my iPod.
Once back at home base, I went to the organic farm to buy some produce, picked up a nice cold Beck's at the General Store along with some "Indian Candy" (salmon chunks smoked in maple syrup) and went back to practice my bass. Then Kelly and I kicked back and watch a beautiful Tibetan film called Samsara.
We began class this morning with an intense foray into Qi Gong (a Chinese tradition of energy work). I love this stuff and have long used my own intuited practice of it in bodywork and healing efforts I have shared with friends. So it's been exciting to delve into ancient traditions of it and to begin to apply them more deeply to the more technical aspects of bodywork that have been the primary focus till now. We moved from an hour and a half of Qi Gong exercises right into working on the face and head today. Everyone of us was carried further to another realm than we had yet exerienced -- both as givers and receivers. I was thrilled to discover that I was feeling the pulse of Alexis' cranial sacral fluid at the back of her head. I felt so wonderfully connected to the flow of my chi and to my recipient throughout the treatment I gave. It was a richly satisfying meditation that left both myself and Alexis feeling so grounded, connected and full of love. THIS is what I came here to develop!